In order to ensure and protect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of data subjects who access the LABORATORIOS NORMON, S.A. website (hereinafter "NORMON") and/or that are processed by NORMON for the management of other services, NORMON has drawn up this Privacy Policy in accordance with current applicable laws regarding Personal Data Protection.

The only personal data that NORMON will have access to will be those which the data subject voluntarily provides to NORMON. The data subject guarantees that the personal data and any other information he or she will provide to NORMON are true and correct.

In this respect, the data subject must be aware that, for access to some services offered by NORMON, personal data will be requested. Therefore, the data subject expressly authorizes NORMON, by accepting this Privacy Policy, to process the data that are necessary to be used in relation to the execution of the request, consultation or agreed service. Under no circumstances the personal data provided by the data subject will be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the corresponding consent, unless NORMON is obliged by law to such transfer.

The mandatory data will be specified in the corresponding section and/or data collection form, and the refusal to provide them shall imply that the aforementioned services and contents cannot be accessed or used. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the existing forms are strictly necessary to send your request, and the inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary.

In accordance with applicable Law, the data and information that the data subject has provided to NORMON will be treated with the utmost diligence and confidentiality. NORMON has adopted the necessary technical, organizational and security measures to guarantee the security of personal data and to prevent their alteration, loss or unauthorized processing, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed.

NORMON does not intend nor wish to obtain personal data directly from minors. In the event that a minor provides us with his or her data without the consent of his or her parents or guardians, we kindly urge the parent or guardian to contact us and request that this information is deleted.

Controller Purpose of the processing Legal basis Storage Period Recipients Rights
Laboratorios Normon, S.A. ("NORMON")

Ronda de Valdecarrizo, 6. 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) Tel: +34 91 806 52 40

You may contact the Data Protection Officer at the above address or via e-mail to
Contact/ Commercial Communications To provide the services and information requested by the data subject through NORMON's contact forms and to communicate any commercial information that NORMON considers may be of interest. These commercial actions may be carried out by e-mail or other media.

Consent of the data subject.
The mandatory data to be filled in will be specified in the corresponding section. The refusal to provide the data by the data subject shall imply that he/she cannot access or use the referred services and contents. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the existing forms are strictly necessary to grant your request, the inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary.

The data will be stored for as long as the purpose for which they were collected remains in force and always until the legislation in force stipulates it. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the prior consent of the data subject, unless NORMON is obliged by law to such transfer.

Access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability of data.

If any data subject wishes to exercise their rights to access, rectify, oppose, delete, limit and/or portability of their personal data, they may contact NORMON at Ronda de Valdecarrizo, 6. 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) Tel: +34 91 806 52 40 or via e-mail to, corresponding to the Data Protection Officer, enclosing a copy of their ID card and the request they wish to make.

The data subject has the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal.

The exercise of the right of deletion will be limited to the data conservation obligations stipulated by current applicable Laws.

The data subject may also lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

Medical Consultations To provide the services and information requested by the data subject through the NORMON "Medical Consultations" Section and to communicate any commercial information that NORMON considers may be of interest. These communications may be carried out by e-mail or other media.

Consent of the data subject.
The mandatory data to be filled in will be specified in the corresponding section. The refusal to provide the data by the data subject shall imply that he/she cannot access or use the referred services and contents. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the existing forms are strictly necessary to grant your request, the inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary.
NORMON's legitimate interest in responding to requests for information received by the company through the forms available on its website or other communication channels.

The data will be stored for as long as the purpose for which they were collected remains in force and always until the legislation in force stipulates it. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the prior consent of the data subject, unless NORMON is obliged by law to such transfer.
Pharmacovigilance To manage adverse reactions to / special situations of medicines, and clinical incidents / events with respect to the rest of the products of NORMON. Consent of the data subject.
The refusal to provide the data by the data subject will imply that he/she will not be able to access or use the referred services and contents. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the existing forms are strictly necessary to grant your request, the inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary.
NORMON's legitimate interest in managing adverse reactions to / special situations of medicines, and clinical incidents / events with respect to the rest of the products of NORMON.
Likewise, data processing is also necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation applicable to NORMON.
The data will be stored for as long as the purpose for which they were collected remains in force and always until the legislation in force stipulates it. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject through the website or any other media be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the prior consent of the data subject, unless NORMON is obliged by law to such transfer. If NORMON has to transfer the pharmacovigilance data collected to third parties (informing the Health Authorities, etc.), it will do so anonymized so that the data subject cannot be identified, to the extent possible and always in compliance with the applicable Laws.
Work with Us Management of the personnel selection process in relation to those data subjects who have registered for a NORMON job offer and/or have sent their curriculum vitae to the company.
NORMON will also be able to use the candidates' data to evaluate their profile in future company selection processes.
Consent of the data subject.
The refusal to provide the data by the data subject will imply that he/she will not be able to access or participate in the selection process. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the existing forms are strictly necessary to grant your request, the inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary.
3 years from the receipt of the data by NORMON. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the prior consent of the data subject, unless NORMON is obliged by law to such transfer.
Contracts with NORMON Management, signature and execution of contracts with NORMON, as well as carrying out administrative, economic and accounting communications and procedures related to the scope of the contract.

In the event that the personal data must be processed, both parties agree to regulate the distribution of obligations and responsibilities during processing in the corresponding Data Processing Agreement that the parties will sign in accordance with current regulations regarding personal data protection.
Consent of the data subject.
The refusal to provide the data by the data subject will imply that the contract cannot be managed nor signed.

Execution of the contract. The data related to the Contract signature are necessary to carry out administrative, economic and accounting communications and procedures related to the scope of the contract .

NORMON's legitimate interest is to manage its contractual relations or other activities related to the company's activity.
The data will be stored as long as the contract is in force or liability may arise, unless NORMON is obliged by law or by the competent authorities to store it for a longer period. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the prior consent of the data subject, unless NORMON is obliged by law to such transfer.
Digital signature Management, digital signature and execution of documents and/or contracts with NORMON, as well as carrying out the communications and administrative formalities necessary for the electronic signature of documents and contracts. Consent of the data subject.
The refusal to provide the data by the data subject will imply that the document and/or contract cannot be managed nor signed digitally. The data requested in the existing forms are strictly necessary to ensure the above management.

Execution of the contract. The data related to the electronic signature are necessary to carry out the management and execution of the documents and/or contracts, as well as to carry out communications and related administrative formalities.

NORMON's legitimate interest is to manage its contractual relations or other activities related to the company's activity.
The data will be stored for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of the electronic signature and/or as long as the contract/document is in force or liability may arise unless NORMON is obliged by law or by the competent authorities to store it for a longer period. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the prior consent of the data subject, unless NORMON is obliged by law to such transfer.
Transparency in Value transfers made to health professionals. Management and publication of value transfers made to health professionals. In relation to NORMON's commitment to "Transparency" in its relations with health professionals, NORMON is obliged, in accordance with the Code of Conduct on Interactions with the Health Community of the Spanish Association of Generic Medicines (AESEG), to publish the value transfers made to health professionals from July 2017. For the purposes of the data processing and its publication on NORMON´s website, the following can be considered as a transfer of value:
•The fees paid by NORMON for the services that the health professionals have rendered to us.
•Registration to an event organized by NORMON.
•Travel or accommodation expenses that NORMON may have paid or reimbursed directly to the health professional or indirectly through a person or legal entity.
Consent of the data subject. The refusal to provide the data by the data subject will imply that the Value transfer cannot be managed. Notwithstanding, the right granted to the health professionals to reject and/or revoke its consent to the publication of their data; in which case, NORMON will publish the Transfers of Value related to the said data subject anonymously. If there are several Health Professionals who refuse to give their consent, NORMON will publish the Transfers of Value made for their benefit in aggregate form, indicating the total number of Health Professionals who have been recipients of the relevant value transfers. NORMON's legitimate interest in complying with the Codes of Conduct to which the company adheres and the applicable Laws. With regard to the store of the aforementioned information (both aggregate and individualized), it will be publicly available for a minimum period of 3 years from its publication, unless a shorter period is legally established or the health professional revokes his/her consent and is legally binding for NORMON. NORMON will also keep documentation accrediting the transfer of value in its archives for a minimum period of 5 years from the end of each period, unless a shorter period is legally established. NORMON is obliged, in accordance with the Code of Conduct on Interactions with the Healthcare Community of the Spanish Generic Medicines Association (AESEG), to publish the value transfers made to healthcare professionals. These will be published on the NORMON website during the immediately following calendar year and therefore will be publicly accessible to third parties.
Normon Customer Area Management of the business relationship between the data subject and NORMON, mainly through the Normon Customer Area; to provide the services and information requested by the data subject and to communicate any commercial information that NORMON considers may be of interest. These commercial actions may be carried out by e-mail or other media. Consent of the data subject.
The mandatory data to be filled in will be specified in the corresponding section. The refusal to provide the data by the data subject shall imply that he/she cannot access or use the referred services and contents. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the existing forms are strictly necessary to grant your request, the inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary.
The data will be stored for the duration of the relationship for which they were supplied and, upon completion, the data will be stored as long as liability may arise unless NORMON is obliged by law or by the competent authorities to store it for a longer period. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject be transferred to third parties by NORMON without the prior consent of the data subject, unless NORMON is obliged by law or by competent authorities to such transfer.
Ethical channel Everything related to the processing of data as a result of responding to complaints made in the Ethical channel (whistleblower channel). Compliance with a legal obligation
Art. 31 bis of the PC, Prosecutor's Circular 1/2016 on Criminal Liability of legal persons and Law 2/2023 on the defence of the informant, Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law.
Execution of the contract.
For the purposes of the employment or commercial relationship existing between the parties.
Public interest. In the event that the data controller proceeds to denounce or report a crime to the State Security Forces or to a Court, when preventing and acting against criminal offenses under the provisions of art. 24 of the LO/3/2018, when reporting a possible crime.
The data will be kept for the time necessary to decide whether to initiate an investigation into the reported facts. - In any case, three (3) months after the data have been entered, they will be deleted from the reporting system. If it is necessary to keep the data in order to continue the investigation, it shall be communicated to the Laboratorios Normon, S.A. body responsible for the investigation of the reported facts, who may continue to process it, without keeping a copy of the data in the internal complaints information system. Complaints that have not been followed up may only be recorded in an anonymous form. - If it is proven that the information provided or part of it is not truthful, it shall be immediately deleted as soon as such circumstance becomes known, unless such lack of truthfulness may constitute a criminal offense, in which case the information shall be kept for the necessary time during the legal proceedings. - Complaints that have not been followed up may only be recorded in anonymized form without the obligation of blocking being applicable to them. In no case shall internal communications and investigations be kept for a period of more than ten years. - If legal proceedings are initiated as a result of the investigation following the information obtained from the whistleblowing channel, the retention period will be for the duration of the legal proceedings and the time necessary to respond to the company's responsibilities. The origin of the criteria indicated above are the following: - Pursuant to Law 2/2023 on the defense of the whistleblower and art. 24.2 of LO 3/2018. - Art. 32 of the LO 3/2018. No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally required.
Under no circumstances will the personal data provided by the data subject be disclosed to third parties by NORMON unless NORMON is obliged by law to do so or as required by the Judges and Courts or by the police authorities in the course of an investigation.
For more information, you may access the Whistleblower Management Procedure (Ethical Channel), which you will have access to at the time of reporting a complaint.